PARIS — Fairmont Hotels & Resorts and Make-A-Wish have launched a new global program, Wishes Start Here, to provide one-of-a-kind experiences that transform children’s lives and help create lasting memories. Over the next three years, Fairmont is committed to making more than 500 children’s wishes come true, while donating €1 million in charitable support.
Wishes Start Here will kick-off with a family celebration and launch of The Ultimate Kids’ Playhouse on July 31 at Fairmont Grand Del Mar in San Diego. The Ultimate Kids’ Playhouse includes elements such as building games, spiral slide, space for dancing and a living room filled with toys. The playhouse will remain on site all summer before moving on to other Fairmont properties in major regions.
Additionally, Fairmont will introduce several fundraising events at hotels around the world to offer guests the opportunity to join their pledge to Make-A-Wish. Other initiatives include pool parties for Make-A-Wish kids, ‘Make a Friend’ Play Dates with Fairmont guests, locals and Make-A-Wish children and a ‘Wish Dish’ selection on menus that include a donation to the foundation.
“Fairmont and Make-A-Wish have enjoyed a wonderful relationship, hosting many families and their inspiring children for nearly 20 years,” says Mansi Vagt, global brand leader and vice-president, Fairmont Brand, Accor. “Our hotels are known for being embedded into the fabric of their communities and the work this incredible organization does is very near and dear to our hearts. We have been honoured to do more than just offer an exciting place to stay, and have worked with the fantastic teams at Make-A-Wish in many of our locations to create unique experiences that turn dreams into a reality for so many children. The magic of one wish can change a life and we’re absolutely delighted to extend this important partnership to our Fairmont hotels globally.”
“We are thrilled to have strengthened our partnership with Fairmont Hotels & Resorts and are excited by their renewed commitment to making an impact on our mission globally – to create life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses around the world,” says Luciano Manzo, CEO of Make-A-Wish International. “For wish kids and their families, an amazing trip can be a transformative experience and the global Fairmont community is uniquely prepared to help make more wishes come true.”
“Team members across Accor are passionate about supporting children’s causes and Fairmont has been continuously motivated by the tireless work of Make-A-Wish and the proven evidence that incorporating wishes as part of a child’s medical plan provides hope and anticipation for the future,” says Ralitza Iordanova, vice-president of Global Brand Partnerships, Accor. “With so many wishes travel-related, we believe Fairmont can play a huge role in making wishes come true. Given the history between our two brands at many of our destinations, strengthening our relationship with Make-A-Wish by expanding it to the global level seems like a natural evolution and a perfect opportunity to make a meaningful impact among our communities worldwide.”