OTTAWA ― Philip Mondor has been appointed president at the Ottawa-based Canadian Tourism Human Resource Council (CTHRC). He joined the organization in 1996 and was SVP for 14 years.
During this time, Mondor has led numerous key initiatives, which have been instrumental in the council’s success, including establishing professional certification programs, national and international occupational standards and competency-based training programs; designing innovative programs and tools to better facilitate recognition of foreign trained professionals in non-regulated professions; and expanding the CTHRC’s work and presence internationally, with successful partnerships and projects realized in several countries.
Mondor replaces Wendy Swedlove, who will be retiring, effective March 31. Swedlove is the founding president of the CTHRC. For more than 20 years, the council’s mandate has been to support the tourism sector in addressing human resource issues and building a globally competitive and sustainable tourism industry in Canada.