PARIS — Accor has partnered with Bureau Veritas, a world-leading provider in testing, inspection and certification, to develop a label designed to certify that the appropriate safety standards and cleaning protocols have been achieved to allow businesses to reopen.
The label will cover both accommodation and catering and will set the sanitary standards applicable to all Accor hotels, as well as to other chains and independent hotels. The project was carried out in partnership with doctors and epidemiologists and was developed in collaboration with Accor owners and trade associations.
“Welcoming, protecting and taking care of others is the very DNA of Accor and at the heart of what we do. Today, more than ever, our employees, customers and partners need to be reassured of our ability to offer them the best welcome possible,” says Frank Gervais, CEO Europe, Accor. “As the European leader in hospitality, it’s our duty to anticipate needs and respond to health-and-safety requirements by adhering to the highest standards. We’re pleased to be pioneering this drive with Bureau Veritas and to extend it to all stakeholders.”
The project has been shared with Alliance France Tourisme, as well as with the relevant ministries, to allow feedback and validation of the recommended standards. Concrete proposals will be submitted, in France and subsequently in Europe, to the various governments, relevant ministries and committees for the easing of lockdown measures.
The output of this effort will be an operational guide made available to all stakeholders in the hospitality industry, enabling them to rigorously apply the health-and-safety recommendation of authorities (WHO, Health Ministry, et cetera), in guest-services spaces, as well as back-office and catering spaces.
“With this label, today we have the ability to meet the new expectations of our society in terms of health and safety. This label will contribute to the hospitality and restaurant industry reopening with confidence,” says Jacques Pommeraud, CEO, Bureau Veritas Africa & France. “We’re proud to work with Accor, first in France and subsequently in all European countries. This approach will benefit the entire industry as every company could request to be certified by Bureau Veritas.” European customers will be able to check on a dedicated Bureau Veritas website before they book their next stay whether any hotel or restaurant has been certified by Bureau Veritas.